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Saturday 7th Sept 2024

10.30am to 3.30pm

€ 120



This workshop will be delivered by Anthony Nea a highly experienced beekeeper. Anthony has been keeping bees for over 15 years and now has 46 colonies. He places great emphasis and is a strong believer on the value of doing and hands-on practical experience.  


This element of the our Bee Keeping Workshops concludes the third and final workshop for the Bee keeping year in Coolamber. This Workshop is when you really see all the work come to fruition. 


A general guideline of what will be covered on the workshop is explained below. The workshop will be highly interactive and there will be lots of time to have all your questions answered. 


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  • Removing Supers

  • Spinning, Filtering, Jaring

  • Feeding Bees for Winter

  • Wintering Hives

  • Storage of Equipment


Apart from the  content listed above this workshop will build great confidence. Like any hobby/business there will always be more to learn but after our series of workshops you will have the knowledge, confidence and support network to get started on your own first colony. 


Bee keeping is something that can be enjoyed by anyone, young or old. The benefits are so numerous having your own natural honey, now proven to help overcome seasonal allergies, your own wax, possibly candles , lip balms etc, the environmental benefits, bees are needed to pollenate your flowers and vegetables or simply helping increase the number of bees which unfortunately are in decline. So if you have contemplated raising bees, you wont be disappointed these amazing little creatures have a lot to offer!!!!


Once the workshop is complete you should be equipped with the knowledge and experience to start your own native Irish Bee colony. The dream of having an apiary and producing your own honey is now a reality. You will have the opportunity to meet other participants who are also on the same Journey. 



Everyone will be treated to Coolamber hospitality. Tea/Coffee and hot scones will be available on arrival,  elevenses and a tasty two course lunch will be served in the dining room of the House. All you need is your enthusiasm as everything will be provided.


The course will be strictly limited. Booking in advance online  or contact Ann Marie on 087 1436292  to secure your place.

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